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Is it Spring yet??

It's felt like spring for the last month, but surprise surprise, the first day of spring in Houston did a temperature flip flop!!

It's the first day back from Spring Break and I thought I better find something to catch my students' attention after a wonderful week off of school. I found this gem for my younger groups - a fun visual to go along with "There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Clover." They love this series of books! Can't wait to use it this morning. The original source for the visuals can be found in the attachment. Enjoy!

Ms. R's tips for connecting to your kids-


FInd what interests your students and use that to your advantage!



Give breaks! No point in everyone suffering when your student can reboot and become productive again after a break.



Get on their level! If the student learns better when walking around the room, then WALK! Don't make a child conform to a standard that inhibits their learning.

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